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28 posts tagged with "SSO"

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Identity: Self-hosted or in the cloud?

· 11 min read
Fletcher Heisler
CEO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and Auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

In October 2023, Cloudflare announced that they had discovered yet another Okta compromise.

Cloudflare had to warn Okta first and show them how they had been breached via an insecure setup with a third-party service provider. A leading company offering security and identity as a service instead introduced insecurity.

Over the past decade or so, SaaS has become the dominant model for delivering software, and yet, such incidents aren’t surprising. The SaaS business model was supposed to align vendor and customer interests, while the technology allowed rapid updates and improvements. SaaS was supposed to bring an end to throwing software over the wall and letting customers deal with it.

Recently, however, we’ve seen many companies fleeing SaaS providers to build private clouds and run self-hosted software. At Authentik Security, we have seen more and more customers canceling legacy SaaS providers to take back control of their identity needs with our self-hosted solution.

At first glance, it looks like people are going back in time, but self-hosted software has advanced despite the popularity of SaaS and is increasingly likely to beat SaaS options across numerous measures. In this post, I’ll walk through why the industry defaults have changed and why we believe in focusing on a self-hosted product.

Security through transparency

· 8 min read
Fletcher Heisler
CEO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and Auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

The XZ backdoor incident spooked a lot of people. Not all PRs are innocent—even from long-standing contributors—and this one would have created a backdoor in a utility included in almost all Linux distributions, had it not been caught.

But “open source = more vulnerable to exploits” is the wrong takeaway—being open source can actually be an advantage for security-focused products.

Your first 90 days as a founding security engineer

· 11 min read

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and Auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

Being the first security hire is a lot of responsibility. It’s rare to find a security engineer among the first 10 employees at a startup, so when you join, it’s likely that you are joining a larger company. In this situation, you’re inheriting some established security practices (or lack thereof) and have more people to corral than in a small, tight-knit company. (This article even suggests onboarding the first, full-time security hire between 30-100 employees.) And the stakes are high—the SolarWinds story is an extreme, but cautionary tale that companies can be held accountable, even when they are victims of a hack.

It’s not all gloomy though! There is lots to enjoy about being a founding security engineer.

You get the chance to wear many hats: one day you’re investigating infrastructure alerts, another day you’re pen testing, or on another you might be urgently researching whether you’re vulnerable to a new breach. You might also get to pick your security stack! You’re constantly building your skills and learning new things.

The biggest challenge: How do you prove your value?

When you start any new job, you want to show how you’re contributing right away—especially if you’re the first and only member of your department. When I joined Authentik Security as the first security engineer, I was fortunate that my manager, our CTO and founder Jens, has a security mindset. Success can be hard to define, though, when you’re the only team member with extensive security experience, and you might not have continued direction or guidance from leadership. If you’re reporting to a CTO or CEO, chances are they will be relying on you to drive the bus, even if they have a security mindset and training; it’s why they hired you and they have other areas to build up. Particularly in small startups, where the focus is often on “whatever will help us land customers”, and not on internal security (a cost center).

So, where do you start?

Get the lay of the land

You can’t make a plan if you don’t know what you’re working with, and sometimes what you first learn about the company’s security posture and processes isn’t reflective of what’s actually happening. Again, I was lucky when joining the team, because security has always been treated as a priority here, but I know from past experience that’s not always the case. Be prepared that what was in the job description may not actually be what you end up doing, so be ready to dive in, assess the current state of security, and start defining what your plans are and how your strengths will be utilized.

Understanding the current lay of the land is fundamental to defining a successful plan going forward.

The next biggest risk category after employee risks (which we’ll get to in a moment), is configurations. That’s why you’ll want to first figure out the following topics

What is the security stack, and has it been implemented properly?

In security, it’s not uncommon to grab a tool to solve a problem, and then find that it actually works for maybe 25-50% of what it’s intended for. You want to make sure you’re getting full value, especially if you’re paying for it.

A misconfigured tool might say you’re not at risk, but this can be a false sense of security. You see this with vulnerability scanning: there are so many tools out there, but if they’re not configured correctly you won’t get all the findings.

Is monitoring of the environment set up consistently (if at all)?

We’ve discussed this topic on this blog before, but it’s just so much more important and effective to have eyes into your environment than chasing down vulnerabilities. Did someone open up a server to the public with SSH, or accidentally commit a password somewhere? Why is this AWS account monitored, but not that one? When I joined Authentik Security, Jens had already set up log ingestion from our authentik instance (yes, dog-fooding), so I built on that by setting up SIEM and threat intelligence capabilities.

Start with what you’re good at

Now that you have an idea of what you’re working with and have applied your basic knowledge and skills, it’s wise to start with an area of security that you feel confident in. Security is so broad; it’s likely that you won’t be well-versed in everything (from blue team, to red team, compliance, etc.). You will probably have to learn some of that stuff on the job, but don’t spend the first 60 of your 90 days trying to learn how to pen test something or configure a new ultra-complex tool.

It’s more effective to start with the things you do feel comfortable with and grow your knowledge in the other areas as you go (just make sure you validate your plan with your manager).


As we mentioned before, you’re far more likely to fall victim to a breach than a targeted hack (that’s why you won’t find chasing vulnerabilities in this list of priorities). Some phishing awareness material may seem obvious, but phishing tactics evolve quickly and there are always going to be people on the team who can fall victim to phishing (see the recent Cisco Duo attack). You’ll want to set up training around phishing and possibly have ongoing campaigns, and make sure your email provider is configured to “Mark as phishing”.


Access management only gets harder the longer you ignore it. At a lot of companies, you get admin access to everything by default, which just gets riskier as you scale the size of the company. Now, instead of one or two people at risk of leaking a password (or choosing a weak or obvious password) or getting breached, you have 5, 10, 20, 100 people you have to be concerned about. If you can start scoping that down, you limit the blast radius.

Going down the rabbit hole of access can be daunting. There will come a point where you have to limit any one person’s access to only the things they need to do their job (i.e. principle of least privilege). If you do that suddenly, it’s going to cause friction.

A better approach is to see what a team member needs access to in their day-to-day and give them those permissions, plus one level higher. The change won’t be as noticeable on their end, and you have limited the blast radius in the event of an attack.

Offboarding and onboarding

Without a formal offboarding process, it’s common for access to be forgotten when someone leaves a company. They might retain access long after they’ve left, leaving the door open for them to sell those credentials, or do other harm if they left on bad terms.

It makes your IT department’s lives a lot easier if, for example, you use an access management tool like authentik to grant permissions to people (as we do at Authentik Security!). Then, if they leave, it just takes the click of a button to revoke access.

Implementing SSO is high ROI for a founding security engineer: it automates onboarding and offboarding, improves workflows, and just makes things easier for teammates.

It’s not a panacea though; there are likely tools in your company’s stack that don’t support SSO, or maybe you don’t have the paid plan that includes it.

At Authentik Security, we of course use authentik; we have one group defined that is associated with a set of administrative-level permissions, but Notion (which we use for internal documentation and planning) doesn’t support that. SSO gets you into Notion, but once a team member logs in we have to manage authorization of different groups differently. But, at least if someone leaves or their access is compromised, we can disable them in authentik and now they can’t get into Notion at all.

Start a runbook

One of the toughest things about being a security-team-of-one is there’s a lot of weight on your shoulders, and if you’re out sick or on vacation, there’s no one obvious to fall back on. That’s why it’s worth getting into the habit of documenting as you go. As you triage, set things up, and respond to alerts, take notes (literally!); what is the process you’re following? What should someone do in your place?

If you build documentation into your process it’s much more likely to happen than setting aside time specifically, and now your teammates will have something to refer to if you’re not available.

Build your relationships

When you start a new role, you have a finite amount of social or political capital at your disposal. So, you need to be strategic about how you deploy it (see below). You can also build up your credit with your teammates by taking the time to connect with them and understand how your initiatives are going to impact their workflow. They will have more time for you if you make an effort to meet them halfway.

For example, if I have a new security tool I want to implement and I need a new server, instead of just asking our infrastructure engineer to do it for me, I know enough about Infrastructure as Code that I can go in and start the changes for him. He just has to make tweaks and corrections instead of starting from scratch. Making the effort to relieve some of that burden helps to build goodwill.

Don’t be afraid to dig into the code

It’s unusual for security engineers to have a true understanding of the code we’re charged with protecting. Not a lot of developers cross over into security, and if they do they usually end up pen testing on the red team side because they understand more about it.

Being able to hold your own at least somewhat helps to build trust and goodwill, and can make you a better security engineer. Say for example, a Veracode scan turns up a finding and the developer says, “This is fixed this way, let’s ignore this.” By having some coding background, I can say, “No, if I’m reading your code correctly, you’re not sanitizing that input before it falls in, and that’s why Veracode is complaining.”

Challenging developers can put people’s backs up, so you want to approach this collaboratively and prompt them with questions to lead to the right conclusion. Knowing enough to ask the right questions goes a long way.

Pick the hill you want to die on

It’s a tough line to walk between partnering with other teams and putting your foot down when something has to change. It never turns out well to just drop the hammer one day (like suddenly revoking most people’s admin access, or giving your devs 5,000 vulnerability results to address—at least pick a critical subset). You want to gradually bring up the security level in a way that’s not disruptive.

So, pick the hill you want to die on. A lot of security involves giving new work to others: “Hey, we need to fix this server. Hey, we need to fix this code. We need to fix this access.” You want to minimize your asks where possible so people don’t just avoid you! Make suggestions, go slowly, take small steps, and solicit feedback. People are going to feel far more inclined to work with you on compromises if you show a willingness to collaborate.

In security, it’s natural to feel like every measure is really important, but if you’re practicing defense in depth, and spreading your efforts across as much of your attack surface as possible, you don’t have to cover every base 100%. Focus your efforts on activities that have an impact without generating a ton of work for others.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments, via email to, on Discord or GitHub.

Standardization in authentik: where we embrace guardrails and where we’ve kept flexibility

· 8 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

How to be great? Just be good, repeatably.

Consistency is often credited as more important to success than bursts of inspiration. However when we’re talking about startups, standardization and innovation are often presented as conflicting mindsets. Standardization is for scaleups and enterprises, introduced around the same time as red tape and bureaucracy. Innovation is for scrappy startups, along with “move fast and break things” and “do things that don’t scale”.

Authentik Security is just over a year old, you can still count our team members on your hands, and we do a bit of both. Here are some things we’ve standardized that have helped us be more efficient (and where we’ve kept things fluid).

Release 2024.4 is here: new functionality for Admins, devs, and end users

· 3 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

We are happy to announce that 2024 is going great, with our second release of the year adding important new functionality for Admins, developers, and end users. Take a look at the new features included in the release, check out the Release Notes for more details and upgrade instructions, and enjoy the new features!

graphic of release highlights

We are excited that this release, like our 2024.2 one, continues to add more functionality across the board for all users. For Admins, we added new abilities to verify user credentials and provision users and groups via external IdP sources, additional powerful configuration options, and performance improvements for important API endpoints (User, Groups, Events). For developers, we added an API Client for Python. We also made further UX/usability and customization enhancements, with a revamped UI for log messages and converting several multi-select boxes into dual-select. Using dual-select components across the interface is the goal; they provide a much cleaner UX for our users.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights of this release.

Happy New Year from Authentik Security

· 6 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

A hearty Happy New Year to you all, from all of of us at Authentik Security, with sincere wishes that your 2024 may be filled with a maximum of joys (new features and elegant code) and a minimum of pains (bugs and the dreadful reality of not-enough-time).

The start of a new year makes me want to first say thank you for the past year.

Thank you!

Thank you to our community, from the newly joined members to our long-time friends and moderators and holders-of-knowledge. Without you all, well… we literally wouldn’t be here. No matter how deep your knowledge of authentik is, it’s really your willingness to explore and test and give feedback on new and old features, all while supporting each other and staying in touch with good humor and vibes, that make us such a vibrant community.

Thank you to our users, from those who run authentik in their homelabs to those who run authentik in production, and everyone in between. We appreciate your trust and guidance, and your input into how we can provide the most-needed features and grow our product in the ways that solve your business needs and challenges.

And of course thanks to our small team here at Authentik Security, who joined me on this adventure and brought your skills and talents, your experience and passions, and your dedication to our product and users. We built a lot together last year, and this year has a rock-star list of features and functionality coming up!

Accomplishments in 2023

Looking back to the work we did in 2023, the new features are just a part of the overall achievements and celebrations (and challenges) of building a new company, growing the team, celebrating our 1st year, and defining our tools and processes. But we released quite a few new features that I’m proud to share.


RBAC (role-based access control) is the gold standard of access control. RBAC provides the ability to finely configure permissions within authentik. These permissions can be used to delegate different tasks, such as user management, application creation and more to users without granting them full superuser permissions. authentik has had internal RBAC for a long time (and of course the policy engine for restricting access to applications), however access to different objects within authentik (like Users, Groups, etc) was not possible previously.

Enterprise Support

Providing dedicated support with a proper ticketing system was a big accomplishment for 2023. Support was the flagship feature of our Enterprise release in the fall of 2023.

SCIM support

Our 2023.3 release added support for SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) protocol, allowing for the provision of users into other IT systems, where the provider synchronizes Users, Groups and the user membership.

RADIUS Support

The RADIUS protocol for authentication allows for the integration of a wider variety of systems such as VPN software, network switches/routers, and others. The RADIUS provider also uses a flow to authenticate users, and supports the same stages as the LDAP Provider.

What’s coming up in 2024?

Looking forward to new functionality for the new year, let me share some of the ones I am most excited about. As with any small development team, we tackle what we can, with an eye on which features will be most beneficial for you all, which have dependencies upon later features, maintainability as we further develop the feature, and how to best get them all out the door fully tested and documented.


The task of adding the applications that you want authentik to authenticate is about to get a lot easier; we have a new wizard that combines the process of defining a new provider and a new application into one single task. This new wizard saves many steps and streamlines the process. Look for it in preview mode in our current 2023.10 release (navigate to the Applications page in the Admin UI), and let us know your thoughts. We will continue tweaking it, specifically the multi-select functionality, but feedback is always welcome!

Remote Access Control (RAC)

With RAC, in preview now with a full release in early 2024, authentik Admins are able to access remote Windows/macOS/Linux machines via RDP/SSH/VNC. The preview version already has capabilities for using a bi-directoinal clipboard between the authentik client and the remote machine, audio redirection (meaning you can hear audio from the remote machine on your local instance), and resizing of the window you view of the remote machine.

Mobile authenticator app for authentik

Soon you will be able to download our new authentik authentication app from Apple Store, and a bit further into 2024, from Google Play Store. This app can be used for 2FA/MFA verification when authentik users log in to authentik or access any application managed by an authentik instance. The first release of this app will use number-matching as the default verification process; users will view their authentik authenticator app on their phone, be prompted with a set of three numbers, and then need to select the same number that is displayed on their authentik instance login panel.

Building out our SaaS offering

One of our most exciting, and definitely our biggest, projects for 2024 will be developing our SaaS offering, the hosted, fully-managed Enterprise Cloud. The Enterprise Cloud plan will provide the convenience of our enterprise-level product as a SaaS offering, hosted and managed by Authentik Security. For many organizations, the benefits of decreased operational costs and universal data access (no VPN, servers, and network configuration required) make SaaS the best choice. With the cloud offering, the same enterprise-level support plan is included, and migrating to self-hosted is always an option.

DX and UX and quality-of-life improvements

As we mentioned in our blog about our one-year anniversary, we also plan to spend some time focused on user experience.

  • Increase our focus on UX and ease-of-use, templatizing as much as possible of the frontend components, and developing a UI Style Guide
  • A redesigned website, with more information about our solutions, use cases, and offerings
  • New structure for our technical documentation; leveraging information architecture and user research to make it easier to find what you are looking for in our docs
  • Defining even more robust tests and checks for our CI/CD pipeline and build process
  • Stronger integration and migration testing, both automated and manual
  • Spending more time on outreach and user research to learn what you all want

Yes, a big year ahead

As most of us in the software and technology space know, the hard work of building new features and growing a company is, well, actually kind of fun. Challenging, yes, but always rewarding.

We’d love to hear from you all about our upcoming plans; reach out to us with an email to or on Discord.

Okta's October breach part two: a delayed but slightly better response

· 7 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

On November 29th, 2023, Okta revealed that a breach they announced in October was much worse than originally conveyed. The number of impacted users went from less than 1% of customers to every single customer who had every opened a Support ticket in the Okta Help Center.

So the impact leapt from 134 users to 18,400 users.

We wrote in October about Okta’s poor response to breaches (see Okta got breached again), but since our blog doesn’t seem to be changing Okta’s behaviour, let’s take a closer look at the new revelations from Okta about what happened back in October, how it is impacting users now, and why Okta is still dealing with it in December.

Now all of Okta’s customers are paying the price… with increased phishing and spam.

Our take is that any company can be hacked, but it is the response that matters. How quick is the response, how transparent are the details, how forthright are the acknowledgments? Okta’s initial announcement about the October breach (remember the HAR file that contained a session token?) was less-than-timely, devoid of details, and titled with one of the worst titles ever given such a serious announcement.

screenshot of the timeline that Okta published

Automated security versus the security mindset

· 12 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

Automation plays a large and increasingly important role in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity vendors promote their Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence products as the inevitable future. However, thanks to the work of security experts like Bruce Schneier, we have more insight into the human adversaries that create the underlying risks to network security, and a better understanding of why teaching humans to have a security mindset is the critical first step to keeping your network safe.

The best response to these malicious actors is to think like a security expert and develop the security mindset.

In this blog post, we examine why automation is such a popular solution to cybersecurity problems—from vulnerability scanning to risk assessments. Then, we will look at those tasks in which security automation by itself proves inadequate, with particular focus on automatic scanning. Next, we make a positive case for why the human factor will always be needed in security. Finally, we will propose that good security isn't a feature. It's a proactive security mindset that's required—one with a human element at its core.

authentik UI

Building an OSS security stack with Loki, Wazuh, and CodeQL to save $100k

· 12 min read

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

There was an article recently about nearly 20 well-known startups’ first 10 hires—security engineers didn’t feature at all. Our third hire at Authentik Security was a security engineer so we might be biased, but even startups without the resources for a full-time security hire should have someone on your founding team wearing the security hat, so you get started on the right foot.

As security departments are cost centers (not revenue generators) it’s not unusual for startups to take a tightwad mentality with security. The good news is that you don’t need a big budget to have a good security posture. There are plenty of free and open source tools at your disposal, and a lot of what makes good security is actually organizational practices—many of which don’t cost a thing to implement.

We estimate that using mostly non-commercial security tools saves us approximately $100,000 annually, and the end-result is a robust stack of security tools and processes.

Here’s how we built out our security stack and processes using mostly free and open source software (FOSS).

Everyone agrees zero trust is good but no one correctly implements it

· 12 min read
Jens Langhammer
CTO at Authentik Security Inc

authentik is an open source Identity Provider that unifies your identity needs into a single platform, replacing Okta, Active Directory, and auth0. Authentik Security is a public benefit company building on top of the open source project.

Buzzwords are the scourge of the tech industry – reviled by developers, pushed by vendors, and commanded by executives.

All too often, a buzzword is the first signal of rain (or worse): Marketers have created a trend; vendors are using the trend to explain why you need to buy their software right now; executives are worried about a problem they didn’t know existed before they read that Gartner report; and the downpour rains on developers.

Implement zero trust!

Why aren’t we shifting left?

Are we resilient? Well, can we get more resilient?

After a while, buzzwords start to look like trojan horses, and the invading army feels like a swarm of tasks that will result in little reward or recognition. It’s tempting to retreat to cynicism and to ignore every Term™ that comes your way.

But this can be risky. For better or worse, good ideas inevitably get branded, and if you want to keep up, you need to see past the branding – even if it involves stripping away the marketing fluff to see the nugget of an idea within.

There’s no better example of this than zero trust. In this post, we’ll briefly explore the term's history, explain how it became such an untrustworthy buzzword, and argue that thanks to a few advancements (mainly Wireguard), zero trust will soon go from buzzword to reality.